Are interlocking bricks safe for construction?
- toughie
- 4 Jul, 2022
A question that is constantly on the minds of builders and developers in the construction industry! Toughie Engineering, the top interlocking bricks supplier in Kerala shares with you an overview on this topic.
The use of interlocking bricks is certainly on the rise over the years and even governments are recommending it for low-cost houses. Interlocking bricks of high quality are made of cement, sand, and stone dust mixed together in correct proportions. The required materials are batched, mixed, and then compressed to form bricks with desirable interlocking patterns using a hydraulic compression system. The bricks are then subjected to curing for about 7 days Once cured, the bonds with the cement set and sand add to the stability of the brick. Soil compaction adds strength and density to the brick.

Each interlocking brick will automatically lock itself to other surrounding bricks without the use of mortar using the Shear key and the lock mechanism in the design. The shape of the shear key will vary and provide a complimentary lock on the opposite side of the brick depending on the design. Load transfer in the interlocking brick system is achieved by shear transfer and gravity.
In places where persistent seismic activity is there, interlocking brick mortarless construction is preferred as the seismic stress is effectively transferred by the interlocking system.
Interlocking bricks are usually reserved to construct residential buildings and are not used to construct commercial buildings. They are good to build the first three storeys of a building.

It is also not advisable to have Interlocking walls in areas that are prone to getting wet frequently like bathrooms. They are also less resistant to extreme weather conditions like heavy rain, as plastering is not used, and are more likely to be damaged by leaking water.
Interlocking bricks have a lower resistance to pest infection as no plastering is done. Plastering is an important buffer to protect against insect infections.
To know more about safety in construction with interlocking bricks, contact us at toughie.in, renowned interlocking bricks manufacturer and supplier in Kerala.